Tillandsia kickiae
This beautiful tillandsia species was acquired in the early 1990's. It was thought to be related to Vr. espinosae. It was found in Catamayo, Ecuador growing at 6000 ft elevation. The leaves are grey-white and somewhat soft. The rosette has a small stem. Harry Luther thought that it might be a natural hybrid with Tillandsia appenii. Now that it has finally bloomed, Jose Manazaneras in Ecuador, also believes it could be a natural hybrid, but will soon be published with a new name. The petals are tubular and very dark, like those of Vr. espinosae. As you can see it has a light pink-colored, semi pendent inflorescence. It is very beautiful!
- Update- July 2018, per Jose Manzanares, it will be published and named- Tillandsia kickiae
Pups with short stem, like T. espinosae. Medium size offsets available which should bloom within one year.
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