2019 Bromeliad Summit in Santa Barbara

Friday, April 5 - Sunday, April 7, 2019
Hosted by Jeff Chemnick
What: Presentations by experts will focus on a number of bromeliad genera with emphasis on both terrestrial and epiphytic species. A midday panel will be convened to discuss bromeliad horticulture.
About: In the spirit of previous Summits (agaves, aloes, cycads) Jeff hopes to convene botanists, horticulturists, plant biogeographers, nursery people, landscape designers/architects, plant collectors, plant vendors and all manner of plant lovers to engage in a 3 day program as follows:
Events: Friday, April 5: Reception at Aloes in Wonderland
Saturday, April 6: Full day of presentations, to be held at Ganna Walska Lotusland, 9 AM - 4 PM.
Saturday Evening Dinner Party TBA 5 PM-9:00 PM
Sunday, April 7: Rare plant auction followed by private garden tours in Santa Barbara area.
Who: This event is limited to 70 participants (that is all Lotusland can fit in the presentation room). Previous Summits have sold out quickly and so please, if you are inclined to participate, get in touch with Jeff ASAP to save a spot for you (email: jeffchemnick@cox.net or call me at (805) 705-3397.
Cost: $160/person (includes the Friday Reception; Saturday admission/participation in the special event/lunch at Lotusland; Dinner Party at Aloes in Wonderland; and the Sunday breakfast. Your fee will help support the event and the speakers' participation (Speakers' transportation and participation is wholly supported by the Summit).
Contact : Jeff Chemnick Aloes in Wonderland 114 Conejo Road Santa Barbara, CA 93103 home (805) 965-0895 cell (805) 807-3397